Meeting Minutes for April 16, 2024

Opening Ceremony

  • Faithful Navigator Frank Bio opened the meeting at 7:00pm in the Saint Mark’s Parish Hall, 1011 Eastwood Rd., Wilmington, NC. There were 21 Sir Knights with ID cards and rosaries in attendance.

Call of Officers

Office Holder P/E/A
Faithful Navigator SK Frank Bio Present
Faithful Friar Rev SK Greg Spencer Excused
Captain SK Larry Greer Present
Pilot SK Greg Peters Present
Comptroller SK Greg Decker Present
Admiral SK Frank Weisgerber Excused
Purser SK Bobby Phillips Present
Scribe SK Tom Sullivan Present
Corps Commander SK Bob Gorman Present
Inner Sentinel SK Joe Damitz Present
Outer Sentinel SK George Schadt Present
1st Year Trustee SK Dennis Kelleher Excused
2nd Year Trustee SK George Plarre Present
3rd Year Trustee SK Caleb Strittmatter Present

Opening Prayer

  • Meeting’s opening prayer was led by the acting Faithful Friar, Deacon George Keenan.

Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag

Opening Ode

  • The Opening Ode, America the Beautiful, was sung.

Call for the Approval of the Minutes of the Prior Meeting

  • A call was made for changes or amendments to the March 2024 meeting minutes. There were no changes or amendments and the motion was seconded and passed by unanimous vote.

Report of the Faithful Friar

  • Deacon George Keenan reminded us all that God is in our presence and that we should talk to Him everyday.

Report of the Faithful Comptroller - SK Greg Decker

  • The Faithful Comptroller provided the following report:
    1. The Assembly remains at 159 members with the addition of SK Dan DeSantos and the withdrawal of SK Carlo Montenegro.
    2. Website:
      • The Planning Document has been added to the website under the Calendar.
      • Under the Resources/Veterans tab we try to keep the veterans among us up-to-date with VA and military related content. 
  • The financials reported can be requested by contacting the Faithful Comptroller.

Report of the Faithful Purser - SK Bob Philips

  • The financials reported can be requested by contacting the Faithful Purser.

Report of Committees

Membership Report/ Reading of Applications/ Balloting

  • No new applicants. The next 4th Degree Exemplification is scheduled for May 18 in Winston-Salem, NC.

RSVP Report

  • No report.

Color Guard Report

  • No report.

Patriotic Reports

Veterans Support - SK Tim Ludgate and SK Sean Muir

  • The next event at the Ashley House is being planned for sometime in June or July, however instead of a dinner, the Assembly is considering cleaning up the exterior of the facility.
  • On April 20 at 9pm, 75 veterans will return to ILM on the Honor Flight from Washington, DC. All are welcome to greet them.

Scholarship for Future Saints - SK Caleb Strittmatter

  • Father John McGee is writing a letter to all pastors to help advertise this program and to include funds for this in their annual budgets.
  • SK Michael Apicella won this month’s $50 drawing.

Honor Guard - SK Bob Gorman

  • Upcoming events to support include:
    • Our presence in uniform at the Bishop-led Mass at the “Ignited by Truth” event in Raleigh on April 27
    • The end of school year Passing of the Colors at St. Mark on May 21 and St. Mary on a date to be announced.

Fraternal Social Report - SK Frank Weisgerber (the Faithful Navigator provided this)

  • SK Weisgerber Planning a dinner with wives to be held at the Wrightsville Beach Brewery sometime in May.

Trustees Report

  • The proposed list of Officers for the 2024-2025 Fraternal Year are:
Office Candidate
Faithful Navigator SK Frank Bio
Faithful Friar Rev SK Greg Spencer
Captain SK Larry Greer
Pilot SK Colin Simpson
Comptroller SK Greg Decker
Admiral SK Frank Weisgerber
Purser SK Tom Sullivan
Scribe Rotational Lead
Inner Sentinel SK Joe Damitz
Outer Sentinel SK George Schadt
1st Year Trustee SK George Plarre
2nd Year Trustee SK Caleb Strittmatter
3rd Year Trustee SK Michael Breit
Corps Commander SK Bob Gorman

Unfinished/Old Business

  • On April 13, 2024, the Faithful Navigator, SK Frank Bio, and Faithful Captain, SK Larry Greer, attend the Bi-Annual Assembly Meeting. Here are the notes from the event:
    • District Master JP Horvath thanked us for 3 ½ years of support.
    • Regalia News
      Name badges can now be worn on the right pocket of regalia even with the left badge pocket.
      Badges not worn with baldric. 4th degree pins without the American flag are the official pins to wear.
      A new vendor for regalia slacks in Alabama includes waist tabs for added stretch.
      Old capes or regalia to JP Horvath – ladies use silk to bury babies.
    • Assembly News
      Information resources: quarterly newsletter is sent to Faithful Navigators contains information for veterans should be shared with the assembly. It is posted on our website.
      Tar Heel Knight and Golden Plume newsletters are available on NC K of C website and through the Resources tab on our website.
      Exemplifications are changing family members will be invited to watch. Length of ceremony is being shortened – We should hear about this soon.
      We should consider sponsoring a Fourth Degree exemplification for Eastern NC in Wilmington.
      Price change to $80/90 cost of exemplifications is increasing to $90 due to rising cost.
      Complete all required forms by the due date, even one day late is too late. Electronic versions are preferred.
      Removing members from the assembly. Moving forward if a council member does not pay dues or wishes to leave, he is placed on the transition list. This automatically removes him from the assembly. No duplication of paperwork.
      Concerns if Faithful Comptroller or Faithful Purser become unavailable, need action plan such as Assembly owned computer – QuickBooks on-line – Signature Cards at banks.
      Focus on growth – Councils did their job, use their success to grow our membership.
      23% or 10 Assemblies got Star Assembly
      Membership-Civic Award-Patriotic Award-1086 Form- Audits Completed (Aug 1)
    • Council News
      Council Announcement - 50th anniversary of LAMB. The goal is to raise state-wide $1,000,000. The goal can be met if each council member donates $50. Councils are encouraged to devote fundraising efforts towards this goal.
      State convention May 3-5 request is made to bring regalia for an Honor Guard at Mass, also needed for Adoration chapel volunteers.
  • The May meeting will be held at St. Mark’s.
  • Past Faithful Navigator Strittmatter finally presented the 2022-2023 Patriotic Man of the Year award to SK Tim Ludgate. Congratulations, Tim.

New Business

  • SK Tim Ludgate proposed one of the Assembly’s social events be conducted at Legion Field enjoying a baseball game.

Report of Third Degree Councils

  • 1074 Wilmington

    • Working on blood and food drives.
    • Bocce Team practice is at 4:30pm on Wednesday.
  • 11817 St. Stanislaus

    • They had a good turnout at the Divine Mercy event.
    • Their Bocce team continues to practice.
    • COR program occurs at 8am on Saturdays.
  • 12017 St. Mark

    • Blood drive collected 44 units.
    • Knights hosted a breakfast for families after 9:30 Mass.
    • Asked to provide a flag ceremony & cook at upcoming St. Mark Festival.
    • Will present mothers with a flower at all Mother’s Day Masses.
  • 12885 St. Therese

    • Made $1,800 at their Easter Basket raffle.
    • Hosted coffee and doughnuts for the Parish.
    • Contributing to the St. Joseph Food Pantry.
    • Working on their Bocce Team.

Brothers in Need

  • Prayers requested for SK Tom Rice, SK Greg Decker’s son Christian Decker, SK Matthew Hurteau, and Bishop Bevard.

Good of the Order

  • The Faithful Captain provided “Continued prayers for and support in solidarity with, our Holy Father, Pope Francis, the Cardinals, Bishops, Priests, Deacons, Religious and Seminarians. Continued support for the Canonization of Blessed Father Michael J. McGivney with prayers and to invoke his blessing upon each council during their opening or closing prayers. Continued support and prayers for our elected officials, public servants, our military service members and their families, law enforcement and first responders, especially during these challenging times. Prayers for those deceased members of the Knights of Columbus and their families that they may find comfort.”

Closing Prayer

  • Conducted by Deacon George Keenan


  • Next gathering will be at 7pm on Tuesday, May 21 at St. Mark’s.
  • Meeting adjourned at 7:45pm.

Minutes submitted by SK Tom Sullivan, Faithful Scribe.