Meeting Minutes for April 19, 2023
Opening Ceremony
- Faithful Navigator Caleb Strittmatter opened the meeting at 7 pm in the Saint Mark Parish Hall, 1011 Eastwood Rd, Wilmington, NC. There were 18 Sir Knights with ID cards and rosaries in attendance.
Roll Call of Officers
Office |
Holder |
P/E/A |
Faithful Navigator |
Caleb Strittmatter |
Present |
Faithful Friar |
Father Greg Spencer |
Excused |
Captain |
Frank Bio |
Present |
Pilot |
Larry Greer |
Present |
Comptroller |
Greg Decker |
Present |
Admiral |
Frank Weisgerber |
Present |
Purser |
Bobby Philips |
Present |
Scribe |
Mike Krawczyk |
Present |
Inner Sentinel |
Russ Cappello |
Present |
Outer Sentinel |
Gary Wool |
Present |
1st Year Trustee |
Charlie Backes |
Absent |
2nd Year Trustee |
Dennis Kelleher |
Excused |
3rd Year Trustee |
George Plarre |
Absent |
Opening Prayer
- Meeting’s opening prayer was led by the Faithful Admiral.
Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag
Opening Ode
- The opening Ode, America the Beautiful, was sung.
Call for the approval of the Minutes of the Prior Meeting
- A call was made for changes or amendments to the March 2023 meeting minutes. No changes or amendments were offered and a motion was made to accept the minutes as recorded on the assembly website; the motion was seconded and passed by unanimous vote.
Report of the Faithful Friar (Fr. Spencer)
Report of Faithful Comptroller (SK Decker)
Report of the Faithful Purser (SK Philips)
- The financials reported can be requested by contacting the Faithful Purser.
Report of Committees
Membership Report / Reading of Applications / Balloting (SK Decker)
RSVP Report (SK Decker)
Color Guard Report (SK Hargett (not in attendance))
- SK Damitz described the Divine Mercy Devotion on April 16 at St Stanislaus where 20 SKs where in attendance. Many thanks for all who participated.
- The Faithful Navigator made a call for Corps Commander for next fiscal year in keeping with FN goal to bring new members into service and officer positions annually.
Patriotic Reports
Veterans Support - (SK Ludgate)
- SK Ludgate provided an update on the Assembly’s support to the Ashley House veterans.
- On June 4, the Assembly will cook dinner / BBQ for the Ashley House residents at 3PM. The Ashley house is located at 2002 Colwell Ave, Wilmington 28403.
- All Sir Knights are asked to serve at least once in this very important opportunity.
- SKs are asked to join in to serve the meals as well to socialize with 24/28 veterans generally housed there.
- Ashley House Director is most grateful for the support and who agreed to supply ingredients if the Assembly agrees to prepare the meals.
- SK Murphy is to provide a list of items needed for the dinner/BBQ.
- Assembly has allocated $700 for Veterans Support which would be used to purchase cleaning supplies and individual gift cards when residents move out to permanent housing. This process replaces historical general donation to the Ashley House with little personal KofC interaction. Volunteers are asked to contact SK Ludgate or 570-916-6944) to confirm support for to serve June 4 or as required. Great opportunity to engage in at least one service project per year as a Sir Knight.
- Honor Flights of the Cape Fear Area, NC
- The next Honor Flight will occur on April 29 with 75 Veterans and guides heading to Washington, DC.
- Volunteers are asked to come and support the Vets by receiving them on the return – Time to be provided separately.
- Veterans Catholic Charities HOP Program
- HOP is seeking names of veterans who would qualify for this county food delivery program. Individuals must be on MEDICAID to apply for this benefit.
- SKs are asked to discern potential candidates when assisting Ashley House move outs to independent living in particular. Goal is to develop a delivery route as an ongoing mission for our Assembly.
In God We Trust - Deanery Support - (SK Strittmatter)
Chalice Program
Scholarship for Future Saints
- A meeting with Deanery Father John McGee and SK Bio provided highlights:
- Suggested renaming the program to Cape Fear Deanery Scholarship for Future Saints.
- Goal of awards continues to be $10,000.
- With Father McGee supporting the program under the Deanery banner, greater participation from associated parishes are envisioned.
- The Assembly will continue to provide operational support with parish designated judges as part of final selection of winners.
- SKs donating to the Scholarship for Future Saints Program participate in a monthly raffle. Winners of $50 prize for March and April were SKs George Keenan and Cary Newman
Fraternal Social Report (SK Weisgerber)
- SK Weisberger reported that St. Therese will host the 21 June Assembly meeting with a sit down hot food social and final meeting of this Fraternal term, starting at 6PM. Spouses or significant others are invited to attend.
Trustees Report
Unfinished Business
New Business
- A search continues for a Scribe candidate for the 2023/2024 Fraternal Year. If you are interested please contact SK Dennis Kelleher or SK Joseph Damitz.
Report of Third Degree Councils
11817 St. Stanislaus
- 2nd fish fry was a huge success.
- The Council is working with All Saints Council to refurbish a trailer for a needed family.
- Divine Mercy Sunday was well attended and they thanked all who attended.
- St Mark is holding their 2nd annual St Mark weekend picnic. All are invited to come – free admission.
- The council held a golf tournament on April 15 at Olde Point Golf & Country Club which was well attended and huge success. Thanks to all who attended, sponsored, and played.
- The Council is hosting the Silver Rose (May 14-15). Details will be forth coming.
- A request for an Honor Guard was made in support of hosting the Silver Rose.
12281 All Saints
12885 St. Therese
- On June 10, St Therese will be holding their annual Shrimp-a-Roo for $25. Come and enjoy the fun after the 5 pm Mass.
- "Eat the Basket" tickets are on sale for $5.
12921 Transfiguration
- SK Will Vertolli thanked the Assembly for its work and impressive programs.
- The Council will hold an exemplification of five new men. Congratulations.
- Grand Knight Robert Sivori died while in office. He will be much missed.
Brothers in Need
- Prayers were offered for Frank Militscher who is recovering from a hospital stay.
Good of the Order
- Faithful Captain Frank Bio read a selection from The Wisdom of Fulton Sheen to meditate and reflect upon. The selection reads,
"As the desire for the world and things increases in us,
God makes less and less appeal. We hold back, our
fists closed about our few pennies, and thus lose the
fortune He holds out to us. That is why the initial step
of coming to God is so hard. We cling to our nursery
toys and lose the pearl of great price."
Closing Prayer
- Led by the Worthy Admiral.
- Meeting adjourned at 8:11pm.