Meeting Minutes for August 14, 2023 (awaiting review)
Opening Ceremony
- Faithful Navigator Frank Bio opened the meeting at 7:01pm in the Saint Mark Parish Hall, 1013 Eastwood Rd, Wilmington, NC. There were 15 Sir Knights with ID cards and rosaries in attendance.
Call of Officers
Office |
Holder |
P/E/A |
Faithful Navigator |
SK Frank Bio |
Present |
Faithful Friar |
Rev SK Greg Spencer |
Excused |
Captain |
SK Larry Greer |
Excused |
Pilot |
SK Greg Peters |
Excused |
Comptroller |
SK Greg Decker |
Present |
Admiral |
SK Frank Weisgerber |
Present |
Purser |
SK Bobby Phillips |
Present |
Scribe |
SK Tom Sullivan |
Present |
Corps Commander |
SK Bob Gorman |
Present |
Inner Sentinel |
SK Joe Damitz |
Present |
Outer Sentinel |
SK George Schadt |
Excused |
1st Year Trustee |
SK Dennis Kelleher |
Excused |
2nd Year Trustee |
SK George Plarre |
Present |
3rd Year Trustee |
SK Caleb Strittmatter |
Excused |
Opening Prayer
- Meeting’s opening prayer was led by the Faithful Navigator, Frank Bio.
Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag
Opening Ode
- The Opening Ode, America the Beautiful, was sung.
Call for the Approval of the Minutes of the Prior Meeting
- A call was made for changes or amendments to the July 2023 meeting minutes. No changes or amendments were offered and a motion was made to accept the minutes as recorded on the Assembly website; the motion was seconded and passed by unanimous vote.
Report of the Faithful Friar
Report of the Faithful Comptroller
- The Faithful Comptroller provided the following report:
- One bill of $226 was paid to Supreme for prorated dues for the 30 members who transferred to Assembly 3952.
- Website:
- The By-Laws have been added to the website under General Information.
- Under the Resources/Veterans tab we try to keep the veterans among us up-to-date with VA and military related content.
- The financials reported can be requested by contacting the Faithful Comptroller.
Report of the Faithful Purser
- The financials reported can be requested by contacting the Faithful Purser.
Report of Committees
Membership Report/ Reading of Applications/ Balloting
- No applications for membership.
RSVP Report
Color Guard Report
- Training for the Color Guard is being planned in anticipation of supporting a ceremony to honor the creation of Assembly 3952 in Hampstead.
- The Assembly will be providing instruction to 8th graders at St. Mark on Aug 24 and St. Mary in mid-Sept on how to raise and lower the flag daily during the school year. All are invited to attend at 9:30am at the school's flagpole in 4th Degree shirts and khaki trousers.
Patriotic Reports
Veterans Support
- Six Sir Knights and four spouses are currently signed up to support the next event at the Ashley House from 4-7pm on September 10, 2023. Two more Sir Knights are requested to help. Contact SK Tim Ludgate or SK Sean Murphy to sign up.
Scholarship for Future Saints
Fraternal Social Report
- SK Weisgerber He is still looking for ideas for this year’s events and starting to plan the Assembly Christmas Party at the South Beach Grill likely during the second week of December.
Trustees Report
Unfinished/Old Business
New Business
- The Faithful Navigator drew everyone’s attention to the Assembly planning document posted on our website and remains open for suggestions.
- SK Greg Decker provided an overview of how to navigate the Assembly website at
- Debate over increasing the Assembly's annual dues by changing the by-laws occurred so that the Assembly can continue to support its various efforts in light of losing a number of Sir Knights to Assembly 3952. A recommendation was made to raise the dues to $30 with dues for Honorary and Honorary Life Members remaining the same. A vote will be held at the next business meeting in September to ratify this change.
- FN Frank Bio wants to begin rotating the location of the Assembly business meetings with meetings likely at St. Mary in September and St. Stanislaus in October. FN Frank Bio will announce the location by email when final decisions are made.
Report of Third Degree Councils
1074 Wilmington - The Council conducted a Soccer Challenge and made a donation to the Pregnancy Center. They are planning for an Exemplification on Aug 23 and their annual Golf Tournament on Aug 28.
11817 St. Stanislaus - No report.
12017 St. Mark - The Assembly made donations to two Pregnancy Centers, continues to offer chances to a Football Pool for $20, and is planning its Gumbo Dinner for Sept 30.
12281 All Saints - no report. Now affiliated with the new assembly Fr. Thomas F. Price Assembly 3952 in Hampstead.
12885 St. Therese - no report.
12921 Transfiguration - no report. Now affiliated with the new assembly Fr. Thomas F. Price Assembly 3952 in Hampstead.
Brothers in Need
Good of the Order
- The Faithful Captain provided the Wisdom of Fulton Sheen: Who is going to save our Church? Not our bishops, not our priests and religious. It is up to you, the people. You have the minds, the eyes, the ears to save the Church. Your mission is to see that your priests act like priests, your bishops like bishops, and your religious act like religious.
Closing Prayer
- Conducted by FN Frank Bio.
- Next meeting will be at 7pm on Tuesday, September 19, 2023 at a location to be determined.
- Meeting adjourned at 8:04pm.
Minutes submitted by SK Tom Sullivan, Faithful Scribe.