Meeting Minutes for August 20, 2024


Before the meeting started, we had a presentation from Thomas Marcinowski founder and president of the Veterans Memorial Reef.

As Catholics are required to be buried in a consecrated space, Deacon Keenan will confirm diocese's approval for burial on the reef.

Opening Ceremony

  • Faithful Navigator Frank Bio opened the meeting at 7:15pm in the Saint Mark Parish Hall, 1011 Eastwood Road, Wilmington, NC. There were 21 Sir Knights with ID cards and rosaries in attendance.

Call of Officers

Office Holder P/E/A
Faithful Navigator SK Frank Bio Present
Faithful Friar Rev SK Greg Spencer Excused
Captain SK Larry Greer Present
Pilot SK GColin Simpson Present
Comptroller SK Greg Decker Present
Admiral SK Frank Weisgerber Present
Purser SK Tom Sullivan Present
Scribe SK Mike Apicella (acting) Present
Corps Commander SK Bob Gorman Present
Inner Sentinel SK Joe Damitz Present
Outer Sentinel SK George Schadt Present
1st Year Trustee SK George Plarre Excused
2nd Year Trustee SK Caleb Strittmatter Excused
3rd Year Trustee SK Michael Breit Excused

Opening Prayer

  • Meeting’s opening prayer was led by the acting Faithful Friar, Deacon George Keenan.

Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag

Opening Ode

  • The Opening Ode, America the Beautiful, was sung.

Call for the Approval of the Minutes of the Prior Meeting

  • A call was made for changes or amendments to the May 2024 meeting minutes. There were no changes or amendments suggested. The previous minutes are accepted.

Report of the Faithful Friar

  • No report.

Report of the Faithful Comptroller - SK Greg Decker

  • The Faithful Comptroller reported that our membership is at 156; one death (Baxley), one transfer (Singleton), one restoration (Cowie). SK Singleton was in attendance and gave a brief self-introduction.
  • The financials reported can be requested by contacting the Faithful Comptroller.

Report of the Faithful Purser - SK Tom Sullivan

  • The Faithful Purser reported on current balances, and that the CD is to mature in November. He recommended renewing the CD.
  • The financials reported can be requested by contacting the Faithful Purser.

Report of Committees

Membership Report/ Reading of Applications/ Balloting

  • The next 4th Degree Exemplification is October 12 in Raleigh. Applications need to be in before the next meeting on September 17 in order to approve new candidates. Information packages have been sent to the local Grand Knights for action at their councils.
  • The Faithful Navigator requested all Sir Knights to encourage all brothers to consider being a Fourth Degree with your reasons why you are a Fourth Degree Knight.

RSVP Report

  • No report.

Color Guard Report

  • There have been three funerals that we supplied an honor guard for over the past few months.
  • Old Regalia Capes – If you bring your obsolete cape to the meeting, we will send it to Angel’s Unaware. They will take the silk lining from our old capes to create linings and garments for children's funerals. You can also send your cape directly to: Angel's Unaware c/o Jeffrey Crouch 6 Leacroft Drive Greenville, SC 29615-2234.

Patriotic Reports


  • Veterans Mass on November 11, 8:30am at St. Mark Catholic Church. Mass will be followed by recitation of the Rosary.
  • SK Backes talked about his experience from the Honor Flight from Wilmington to DC on April 20. Said he was very appreciative of the welcome home letters that all the veterans received on the way home. He also showed the book put together of the Veterans on the Honor Flight.
  • SK Bolger asked that the assembly promote the October 28 Vietnam Veterans Chapter 885 Golf Tournament.

Veterans Support - SK Sean Murphy

  • In reworking the Veterans Support budget, the possibility of providing gift cards to veterans at the Ashley House to cover minor expenses as they transition to permanent housing was discussed and is the primary "spend" of the program. The primary fundraiser is the Veterans Support Raffle with the possibility of 50/50 drawings at future assembly meetings to add to the shortfall.

Scholarship for Future Saints - FN Bio reported on behalf of SK Caleb Strittmatter

  • Thank You cards were received from the first and third place recipients, Josie Behm (ICC) and Davis Thorton (St. Mark).

Honor Guard - SK Bob Gorman

  • Flag Instruction will be held at the two Catholic elementary schools next week. All are invited to attend. Dress code is assembly polo shirt and khaki trousers.
    • Monday, August 26 at 8:15am at St. Mark Catholic School (at flagpole)
    • Thursday, August 29 at 8:15am at St. Mary Catholic School (at lower school flagpole)

Fraternal Social Report - SK Frank Weisgerber

  • Christmas Party venue reserved for December 17 at South Beach Grill.
  • Bocce Challenge will be on September 15 at 2:30pm at Empie Park. We will be playing against Assembly 3952 of Hampstead headed by SK Gene Ziemba. SK Larry Greer will captain our assembly's team and is looking for players and spectators. If you would like to be part of our team, please contact him at or 910-471-1574. All spectators/supporters are welcome.

Trustees Report

  • No report.

Unfinished/Old Business

  • None.

New Business

  • None.

Report of Third Degree Councils

  • 1074 Wilmington

    • August 13 – New member exemplification at St Mary’s Basilica
    • August 17 – Soccer Challenge with help from St. Brendan’s and Castle Hayne Councils
    • September 4 – Start COR program at Immaculate Conception Church
    • September 30 – Golf Tournament at Pine Valley Country Club – Please call Lou Mattes if you have any questions at 910-200-8928. For further information click here.
    • October 18 – ICC Blood Drive. For further information contact SK Mike Apicella.
    • Football Pool Tickets now on sale
  • 11817 St. Stanislaus

    • Soccer Challenge
    • November 2 - The Polish Festival will be held this fall! 11am – 5pm
  • 12017 St. Mark

    • August 25, 31, and September 1 – Stewardship Weekend
    • August 26 Brothers Brewery Night at Ten Pin Alley at 6 pm
    • September 7 and 8 – Coats for kids’ donation weekend
    • September 12 St. Mark Lions Pride, assist with parking and cooking
    • Football Pool Tickets now on sale
  • 12885 St. Therese

    • September 21 - Shrimparoo
    • October 4 Ministry Appreciation Cookout (Father’s Bill Birthday)
    • October – Cousin’s dinner
    • November 9/10, 16/17, Turkey Sales
    • Christmas Basket Sales Start November 30
    • December 10 - Council Christmas Party – South Beach Grill

Brothers in Need

  • Prayers requested for SK Greg Decker’s son Christian Decker, Bishop Bevard, SK MacAttire’s wife, and SK Lee Wagner. Bill Underwood of the SubVets. Two teenage boys involved in a fight near SK Backes' home: One knifed and died; the other in jail. Keep their families in their prayers.

    Good of the Order

  • SK Greer read from a passage by Bishop Fulton J. Sheen.

Closing Prayer

  • Conducted by Deacon George Keenan.


  • Next meeting will be at 6:30pm on Tuesday, September 17 at St. Mark's Parish Hall.
  • Meeting adjourned at 8:15pm.

Minutes submitted by SK Mike Apicella, Faithful Scribe (acting).