Meeting Minutes for January 18, 2023
Opening Ceremony
- Faithful Navigator Caleb Strittmatter opened the meeting at 7:05 PM,
Wednesday, January 18, 2023, at the Basilica of Saint Mary, 412 Ann Street
Wilmington, NC, in the K of C Room. There were 23 Brother Knights with ID
cards and rosaries in attendance.
- FN Strittmatter stated he appreciated the attendence and reinforced some
of the reasons to attend the meeting:
- To Pray
- To Sing
- Hangout with Catholic gentlemen
- Be motivated by the time and talent offered by others
- Because we believe in KofC organization
- FN Strittmatter read various "Thank You" cards and notes of appreciation
for our Assembly work.
Roll Call of Officers
Office |
Holder |
P/E/A |
Faithful Navigator |
Caleb Strittmatter |
Present |
Faithful Friar |
Father Greg Spencer |
Excused |
Captain |
Frank Bio |
Present |
Pilot |
Larry Greer |
Present |
Comptroller |
Greg Decker |
Present |
Admiral |
Frank Weisgerber |
Present |
Purser |
Bobby Philips |
Present |
Scribe |
Mike Krawczyk |
Excused |
Inner Sentinel |
Russ Cappello |
Present |
Outer Sentinel |
Gary Wool |
Present |
1st Year Trustee |
Charlie Backes |
Present |
2nd Year Trustee |
Bob Macaluso |
Excused |
3rd Year Trustee |
George Plarre |
Present |
Opening Prayer
- Meeting’s opening prayer was led by Deacon George Keenan.
Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag
Opening Ode
- The opening Ode, America the Beautiful, was sung and led by SK Backes.
Call for approval of last month's minutes
- Minutes of the November meeting are posted to the website. A motion was
made to accept the minutes as posted; the motion was seconded and passed
by unanimous vote.
Report of the Faithful Friar (Fr. Spencer)
Report of Faithful Comptroller (SK Decker)
- A report of income and expense items of the past month was provided.
Report of the Faithful Purser (SK Philips)
- The financials reported can be requested by contacting the Faithful Purser.
Report of Committees
Membership Report / Reading of Applications / Balloting (SK Decker)
- There are four applications and two requests for applications.
- The next Exemplification of the Fourth Degree will be at Saint Francis of
Assisi Catholic Church in Raleigh on April 15. For additional information
contact Greg Decker.
RSVP (SK Decker)
- Our supported seminarian, transitional deacon Nicholas Rapkoch, hadn't
cashed the check yet.
Patriotic Reports
Veterans Support (SK Ludgate)
- Wreaths Across America (see web photos) - SK Murphy reported there were 8
SKs assisting and awarded the patriotic hats supplied by the Assembly.
SK Ludgate also reported there were many other people (SK family and other
organizations) helping.
- Veteran’s support alternatives (Ashley House) - SK Ludgate reported that
the Ashley House mission has changed from Drug Rehab to Transitional Living
Center where veterans are provided a room for up to 90 days, until they can
find a job and place to stay. There are 16 beds and the veterans that stay
change often over time. Most “direct to individuals” charitable support is
provided near the Christmas season. Because of the mission and time in
residency changed, SK Ludgate was requested to investigate and come back
with suggestions on how the Assembly activities and funding can be applied
more broadly across changing residents throughout the year.
In God We Trust – Scholarship for Future Saints Program and Chalice Program - (SK Strittmatter / SK Tim Hardgrove)
- The FN received letter from Fr. John McGee staff with continuing interest
in the scholarship evangelization program. It was noted that broad funding
must be address again at a deanery meeting before parish budgets are
finalized in May/June 2023 .
Pastor email to market scholarship program was requested by FN in December
addressed to St Therese, St Mary, Immaculate Conception, and St Mark.
FN requested that 17- and 18-year-old parish members be sent emails from
pastors informing of the scholarship opportunity as an alternative to
bulletin which have proven limited reach. FN will follow-up before next
meeting and discern if we need to launch a bulletin marketing effort at all
parishes affiliated with our Assembly.
- Chalice Program - There is one chalice remaining. The program is in need
of funding. Two suggestions were presented from the floor: keep it like it
is today, or change to a Mass or remembrance card approach. No Conclusion.
- SK Murphy won ($50) as the first of six drawings in appreciation of
Scholarship for Future Saints donors.
Honor / Color Guard and Flag ceremony Reports (SK Hargett)
- Our brother Sir Knight Louis Stanley's funeral Mass was January 7 at Saint
Stanislaus Catholic Church. Forty knights honored Louis by being part of the
honor guard for the Mass, by standing guard through Visitation, as Ushers,
Readers, and more. Of the Forty knights, more than half were Sir Knights
and, of those, eight were in the new regalia.
- SK Hargett has suggested additional training would be a benefit in
increasing the Color Guard sharpness and crispness and will coordinate a
training schedule.
- This past Saturday, at the Right to Life Event in Raleigh, it was
reported there were more SKs from our Assembly than from all the Raleigh
Assemblies. Two of our SKs, Philips and Gabel, were in the Color Guard.
- At the recent Confirmation ceremony held at Camp LeJeune, Bishop Spenser
of the Archdiocese for Military Services was seen thanking each pair of SKs
as he passed them. The SKs also received a card from Bishop.
Fraternal Social Report (FN Stritmatter)
- • SK Weisberger reported on the success of the Christmas party held at
South Beach Grill, and was looking forward to the Annie show at the Wilson
Center on 28 January.
Trustees Report (SKs Backes, Macaluso, Plarre)
Unfinished Business
New Business
- Future meetings, starting February 15, will be conducted at St. Mark's
Church, 1011 Eastwood Rd, Wilmington, NC., same starting time 7:00 PM,
Officer's meeting starting at 6:30 when scheduled.
- Our Assembly has achieved the Star Assembly Award status for
accomplishments under the guidance of PFN Frank Weisgerber. Congratulations
to all those who contributed by meeting attendance and participation in our
various events throughout the year.
- A motion was made by FN and seconded to purchase a $50 Veterans Memorial
paver block located on Cape Fear River in the Veterans Memorial Park down
town Wilmington honor all branches of service.
- Needed by February 1, SK Plarre requests the names of widows to be
provided to a local Wilmington Christian radio station (can you find out
the name and address) to distribute gifts (symbolic bouquets). He is also
requesting volunteers to help distribute them when received.
- A second lottery for 50% reimbursement covering 4 new Regalia
procurements will be launched via Faithful Navigator email in January 2023
with required entry process and ordering before March 15th meeting.
Report of Third Degree Councils
- St. Valentine's Day Dinner Dance, 6-10PM, February 17, Tileston Center's
The Upper Room, $50/person, BYOB/W, For more information contact SK Backes
at 910-791-0844.
11817 St. Stanislaus
- The Council showed their appreciation and wanted to officially thank the
Assembly for the Color Guard's support for SK Louis Stanley's funeral.
- The Council has four members that have submitted applications for the
Fourth Degree.
- There will be a Chili Cookoff the Saturday, January 21. Bring your
appetite, criticism and Pepto-Bismol in tablet or liquid form.
- On Sunday, January 15 a KofC Free Throw Championship was held with 20
participants in cooperation with the school. Nine participants will move
on to the district level when we find out when and where that is being held.
- On Saturday, February 25, members will be participating in the Wilmington
March for Life to be held at Long Leaf Park, 314 Pine Grove Dr, Wilmington
starting at 10AM. All able knights and SKs are asked to support this activity.
- On Saturday, February 25, members will be supporting the Wilmington
Marathon at an aid station near St. Mark's Church.
- On Saturday, March 11, the council will hold a St. Patrick's Day Dinner
Dance, Wine and Beer included for just $40/person.
12281 All Saints
- This council has received the Star Council status.
- On February 18, the council will assist in parking for the Polar Plunge.
- Fish Frys on March 3rd and 31st are planned.
12885 St. Therese
12921 Transfiguration
Brothers in Need
- SK Jim Bilisoly received a Pacemaker and can use some support. You may
telephone him at 910-686-0151.
- SK Lou Matters of 1074 is ill. We look for a speedy recovery.
Good of the Order
- SK Bio read from the book, In God We Still Trust by Dr Richard G. Lee,
page 19 about MLK.
- SK Renoldo Benzor, regalia sweepstakes winner, stood to thank the Assembly
for the financial support provided for regalia.
Closing Ceremony - Faithful Navigator Strittmatter
Closing Prayer - Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory Be
- Meeting adjourned at 8:21pm.