Meeting Minutes for March 19, 2024

Opening Ceremony

  • Faithful Navigator Frank Bio opened the meeting at 7:00pm in the Saint Mark’s Parish Hall, 1011 Eastwood Rd., Wilmington, NC. There were 21 Sir Knights with ID cards and rosaries in attendance.

Call of Officers

Office Holder P/E/A
Faithful Navigator SK Frank Bio Present
Faithful Friar Rev SK Greg Spencer Excused
Captain SK Larry Greer Excused
Pilot SK Greg Peters Present
Comptroller SK Greg Decker Present
Admiral SK Frank Weisgerber Present
Purser SK Bobby Phillips Present
Scribe SK Tom Sullivan Present
Corps Commander SK Bob Gorman Present
Inner Sentinel SK Joe Damitz Present
Outer Sentinel SK George Schadt Present
1st Year Trustee SK Dennis Kelleher Excused
2nd Year Trustee SK George Plarre Present
3rd Year Trustee SK Caleb Strittmatter Excused

Opening Prayer

  • Meeting’s opening prayer was led by the acting Faithful Friar, Deacon George Keenan.

Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag

Opening Ode

  • The Opening Ode, America the Beautiful, was sung.

Call for the Approval of the Minutes of the Prior Meeting

  • A call was made for changes or amendments to the February 2024 meeting minutes. SK Bobby Phillips requested the minutes be amended to reflect he was Present vice Excused at the meeting and a motion was made to accept the minutes as amended on the Assembly website; the motion was seconded and passed by unanimous vote.

Report of the Faithful Friar

  • Deacon George Keenan mentioned St. Stan’s will conduct the Stations of the Cross in the woods behind the cemetery on March 20 from 9:00 - 9:30 am. All are welcome.

Report of the Faithful Comptroller - SK Greg Decker

  • The Faithful Comptroller reported that the Assembly has 159 members and all but 10 have paid their yearly dues.
  • The financials reported can be requested by contacting the Faithful Comptroller.

Report of the Faithful Purser - SK Bob Philips

  • The financials reported can be requested by contacting the Faithful Purser.

Report of Committees

Membership Report/ Reading of Applications/ Balloting

  • No new applicants. The next 4th Degree Exemplification is scheduled for May 18 in Winston-Salem, NC. Information was sent to all affiliated Grand Knights to elicit their membership. Information packets can be requested from Greg Decker as well.

RSVP Report

  • No report.

Color Guard Report

  • No report.

Patriotic Reports

Veterans Support - SK Tim Ludgate (Report provided by Faithful Navigator)

  • The dinner for the Ashley House was successful and attended by all 8 veterans currently staying there. When asked what else we could do for them, they asked for donations of bed linens for twin size beds, shampoo, body wash, dish towels, coffee and creamers, and used bicycles. The next dinner is being planned for sometime in June or July.

Scholarship for Future Saints - SK Caleb Strittmatter (Report provided by Faithful Navigator)

  • No report. Grand Knight Cary Newman won this month’s $50 drawing.

Honor Guard - SK Bob Gorman

  • Thanks for supporting the St. Patrick’s Day Parade which was well attended in Wilmington. Upcoming events to support include our presence in uniform at the Bishop-led Mass at the “Ignited by Truth” event in Raleigh on April 27, the Silver Rose event at St. Mark on May 9, and the end of school year Passing of the Colors at St. Mark on May 21 and St. Mary on a date to be announced.

Fraternal Social Report - SK Frank Weisgerber

  • SK Weisgerber Planning a dinner with wives to be held at the Wrightsville Beach Brewery sometime in May.

Trustees Report

  • Still trying to fill the Faithful Scribe and 1st Year Trustee positions for next year.

Unfinished/Old Business

  • SK Charlie Backes will be on the Honor Flight on April 20. The assembly should be at the airport to welcome him back.
  • The April meeting will be held at St. Mark.

New Business

  • Deacon Keenan suggested we provide rosary packets to the veterans at the Ashley House.
  • A request to include a donation to the Military Order of the Purple Heart Association in next year’s budget was made.
  • The slate of Officers for next year will be presented to the Assembly in April and voted on in May.

Report of Third Degree Councils

  • 1074 Wilmington - Supported the Special Olympics, Right to Life March, and a LAMB Fundraiser. Preparing to pressure wash the Church, provide lunches to Habitat for Humanity, conduct a food drive at Piggly Wiggly, conduct a Religious Review, provide soup dinner after the Stations of the Cross on March 15, and host a Founder’s Day Dinner on March 27.

  • 11817 St. Stanislaus - Welcomed 5 new Knights at their recent Exemplification, conducted their most successful Fish Fry, hosted their first Corned Beef and Cabbage dinner, conducted Stations of the Cross, and COR.

  • 12017 St. Mark - Held a Fish Fry and hosted a St. Patrick’s Day dance where 100 people attended. Hosting a Golf Tournament on April 22 at Castle Bay.

  • 12885 St. Therese - Starting their COR program, held a blood drive, having a basket raffle, provided food at the Stations of the Cross, and will be sending a team to the upcoming golf tournament.

Brothers in Need

  • Prayers requested for SK Tom Rice, SK Tim Ludgate, Chris Decker, Paul Brady, Grant Carner and Bishop Bevard.

Good of the Order

  • Not conducted.

Closing Prayer

  • Conducted by Deacon George Keenan.


  • Next gathering will be at 7pm on Tuesday, April 16, 2024 at St. Mark’s.
  • Meeting adjourned at 7:55pm.

Minutes submitted by SK Tom Sullivan, Faithful Scribe.