Meeting Minutes for November 19, 2024
Opening Ceremony
- Faithful Navigator Frank Bio opened the meeting at 7:00 pm in the Saint Mark Parish Hall, 1011 Eastwood Road, Wilmington, NC. There were 28 Sir Knights with ID cards and rosaries in attendance.
Call of Officers
Office |
Holder |
P/E/A |
Faithful Navigator |
SK Frank Bio |
Present |
Faithful Friar |
Rev SK Greg Spencer |
Excused |
Faithful Friar Sub |
Deacon George Keenan |
Present |
Captain |
SK Larry Greer |
Present |
Pilot |
SK G Colin Simpson |
Present |
Comptroller |
SK Greg Decker |
Present |
Admiral |
SK Frank Weisgerber |
Present |
Purser |
SK Tom Sullivan |
Present |
Scribe |
SK Mike Apicella |
Present |
Corps Commander |
SK Bob Gorman |
Present |
Inner Sentinel |
SK Joe Damitz |
Present |
Outer Sentinel |
SK George Schadt |
Present |
1st Year Trustee |
SK George Plarre |
Excused |
2nd Year Trustee |
SK Caleb Strittmatter |
Excused |
3rd Year Trustee |
SK Michael Breit |
Excused |
Opening Prayer
- Meeting’s opening prayer was led by the acting Faithful Friar, Deacon George Keenan.
Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag
Opening Ode
- The Opening Ode, America the Beautiful, was sung.
Call for the Approval of the Minutes of the Prior Meeting
- A call was made for changes or amendments to the October 2024 meeting minutes. There were no changes or amendments suggested. The previous minutes are accepted.
Report of the Faithful Friar
- Discussed Catholic Belief in the Eucharist being the actual Body and Blood of Christ.
- The YouTube Video – The Veil Removed is a the 7-minute video of what really happens at Mass.
Report of the Faithful Comptroller - SK Greg Decker
- The Faithful Comptroller reported that our membership is at 157;
- The financials reported can be requested by contacting the Faithful Comptroller.
Report of the Faithful Purser - SK Tom Sullivan
- The Faithful Purser reported on current balances, and that the CD is to mature on November 18. Options being considered at this time.
- The financials reported can be requested by contacting the Faithful Purser.
Report of Committees
Membership Report/ Reading of Applications/ Balloting
RSVP Report
- RSVP: Supporting Seminarian Omeed Huemiller with stipend. Supported by 1074 and 12017 as well.
Veterans Support - SK Greg Decker, Bobby Phillips
490 Raffle tickets sold virtual and physical tickets
Drawing held tonight to determine winners
- 1st Place, $500 – Elizabeth Crawford, wife of 12017 knight, Gary.
- 2nd Place, $250 - Kara Dugan, wife of Philip Dugan. Sold by 1074.
- 3rd Place, $125 – SK Greg Decker
Veterans Day Parade on November 9 – Good showing by the Assembly and Councils
Veterans Day Ceremony on November 11 at the Veterans Memorial in Long Leaf Park
Veterans Day Mass at St. Mark Catholic Church followed by the recitation of the Rosary
Wreaths Across of America – SK Larry Greer
- Sold 76 wreaths this year
- Have until December 3rd to buy additional wreaths for this year, exceeded goal for this year
- December 14 – Laying of the wreaths at National Cemetery at noon
- Need to unload truck with wreaths, no date set at this time
Shoe Box for Soldiers – SK John Bolger
- Brought example to meeting, toiletries for the Veterans
- Need by 3rd week in December
- Deacon SK George Keenan has Rosaries that he wants to donate to include in the shoeboxes
Greek Catholic Union of Pennsylvania
- Granted us $250 toward the Veterans at the Ashley House
Scholarship for Future Saints – SK John Reynolds. Council 1074
- Jack Murphy as Co-chair
- Assembly, Council, Deanery Scholarship Program
- Changes from previous year
- New title – 2025 Collegiate Scholarship sponsored by the Cape Fear Deanery and the Knights of Columbus
- All Councils, Assemblies and Churches will be listed that contributed funds
- Streamline the application process for this year
- Currently in preparation for the funding phase
- Campaign to include promotional programs to expand scholarships to surrounding area churches
- Looking into helping students apply to colleges and for scholarships
- Look for information in the Parish Bulletins starting in the Christmas season
- Program designed to help promote young men and women develop as a Catholic Adult
Color Guard Report – SK Bob Gorman
- Veterans Day Parade, thanks for Council 1074 for providing their trailer for the parade
- Next Event – Burgaw Christmas Parade, Saturday December 14, joined by Hamstead Assembly 12281. It starts at 5:30 pm. More details to follow.
- January 3 – Will escort Monstrance thru the St. Mark parking lot back to the main church. Should be around 9:00 PM. More details to follow.
- Christmas Party venue reserved for December 17, from 6:00 to 9:00 pm at South Beach Grill at Wrightsville Beach.
- $32 per person, plus drinks.
- Can sign up on the Assembly website or contact SK Weisgerber.
- $75 Gift card from the restaurant will be raffled off at the dinner
Trustees Report
Unfinished/Old Business
- SK Jack Murphy – reported on the assembly shirts on order which have yet to arrive.
- We will be notified once the shirts arrive for pickup.
New Business
- Dues may be paid online for 2025. Pay now and save us the cost of mailing invoices mid-December.
- Need to think about new officers for next year.
- SK Greg Decker would like to retire from Comptroller. Now would be a good time for a potential replacement to be trained through the billing cycle until the end of June.
- SK Greg Decker also thanked all that showed up for his son, Christian’s, funeral last month.
Report of Third Degree Councils
1074 Wilmington
- November 23 – Pancake Breakfast, inside the Katie B. Hines Senior Center from 7 am to 11 am.
- Coats for Kids
- RSVP tickets sales with drawing on December 7, at the Council Christmas Party.
- Valentines Dance to be held at St. Mary’s Basilica Parish on February 14, all are invited.
12017 St. Mark
- December 1 – Knights Breakfast after 9 am Mass
- December 4 – Friendsgiving, interact with youth minister
- December 7 – Movie Night – It’s a Wonderful Life 7 pm
- December 14 – Christmas caroling at area assisted care facilities, $30 per person to cover the cost of the bus
- December 26 – Blood Drive SMCC gym
12885 St. Therese
- New website up and running (click above on 12885 St. Therese 12885 to view.
- Received the traveling Gavel
- District Deputy present at their last meeting
- Ministry recognition dinner, with leftover food donated to the UNCW Campus Ministry
- Turkey Drive to collect money to purchase turkeys and chickens for small families to the St. Joseph’s pantry
- Christmas Basket raffle
- Annual Dinner on December 10 at the Southwest Grill in Wrightsville Beach
11817 St. Stanislaus
- Thank you for supporting the Polish Festival
- Beautiful Via Crucis (The Way of the Cross) set up in the back wooded area, a gift from Dr. Tamisiea. Deacon George was able to secure bricks for the display.
- COR program continues with the help of Deacon George.
- Coats for Kids distribution in progress to St. Joseph’s in Burgaw and Western NC relief.
- Member drive with exemplification scheduled for December 14.
- January 25 – Chili Cookoff
Monthly Drawing for the Veterans Support Group – Ashley House
- 50/50 Drawing won by SK Apicella, who donated $100 back to the Veterans Support Group
Brothers in Need
- Past State Deputy passed away recently.
The Good of the Order
- Topic for Discussion by SK Charlie Backes
- Discussed the origin of the National Anthem: The Star-Spangled Banner
- Written during the War of 1812 by Francis Scott Key.
- The singing of The Star-Spangled Banner
Closing Prayer
- Conducted by Deacon George Keenan.
- Next meeting will be an abbreviated meeting at the Christmas Dinner Party on December 17, 6 to 9 pm, at the South Beach Grill, Wrightsville Beach
- The January meeting will be at 7:00 pm on Tuesday, January 21, at the Basilica of Saint Mary. All are welcome to the 6:30 Mass at the Basilica.
- Meeting adjourned at 8:15pm.
Minutes submitted by SK Mike Apicella, Faithful Scribe.