Officers for the 2024-2025 Fraternal Year

Faithful Navigator Frank A Bio
Council 12885

The Faithful Navigator is the chief executive officer of the assembly and acts as the Presiding Officer, with all the powers and duties incident to such office. He appoints committees, countersigns orders and checks. He annually appoints or reappoints the Assembly Color Corps Commander. In his absence, or inability to perform such duties of office, the Faithful Captain shall perform such duties and exercise such powers.

Faithful Friar Reverend Greg Spencer
Council 12017

The Faithful Friar is the Spiritual Advisor of the Assembly. He is expected to make a report at Assembly Meetings on religious matters. The Faithful Navigator, Faithful Captain, Faithful Admiral, and Faithful Pilot appoint a Priest annually in accordance with such rules established by the Bishop of the Diocese to serve the Assembly.

Faithful Captain Larry Greer
Council 12017

The Faithful Captain shall, in the absence of the Faithful Navigator, perform the duties and exercise the powers of that office. He shall also, to assure a good attendance at meetings and other functions, have charge of social and other activities under the Good of the Order.  

Faithful Pilot

Colin Simpson
Council 1074

The Faithful Pilot shall have charge of all properties of the Assembly excepts monies, accounts and record books of the officers, but including ceremonials; shall be responsible for arrangement of the Assembly Chamber and shall direct and be responsible for the activities of the Sentinels.

Faithful Admiral Frank Weisgerber
Council 12885

The Faithful Admiral (usually the Immediate Past Faithful Navigator) is appointed annually; shall preside in case of the absence of both the Faithful Navigator and Faithful Pilot, and may have such powers and performs such other duties as herein prescribed. In the absence of the Faithful Friar, performs his duties at assembly meetings.

Faithful Scribe Mike Apicella
Council 1074

The Faithful Scribe shall keep a record of the minutes of all regular and special meetings in a bound book furnished for that purpose by the Assembly.

Faithful Comptroller Greg Decker
Council 12017

The Faithful Comptroller shall keep a roll and the records of the members with the date of their initiation in the Fourth Degree. Collect and receive all monies due the Assembly and all funds obtained from any source and transfer the same to the Faithful Purser, and obtain a receipt from him. He shall keep accounts of the charges (dues) and receipts of each member; he shall issue to each member not indebted to the Assembly for dues, a Fourth Degree Membership Card, duly signed and attested as above, which shall entitle a member admittance to any meeting of the Fourth Degree within the period specified on said card and upon further compliance with the rule requiring that the member produce a current Third Degree membership card. He shall upon request by a member transferring to another assembly, issue a transfer card, signed by the Faithful Navigator and attested by the Faithful Comptroller. He shall keep such necessary Official Records and forms as furnished by the Supreme Secretary. Notify the District Master of the names of all candidates awaiting initiation. He is the custodian of the Seal of the Assembly and affixes same to all proper papers.

Faithful Purser Tom Sullivan
Council 12017

The Faithful Purser is the custodian of all funds obtained from any source. Makes deposits and keeps records. Pays all orders drawn on him by the Faithful Comptroller and Faithful Navigator. Makes records available to the Board of Trustees as required.

Corps Commander Bob Gorman
Council 11817

The Color Corps Commander is appointed by the Faithful Navigator. He is responsible for the training and all activities of the Color Corps of the assembly.

Inner Sentinel

Joe Damitz
Council 12017

Outer Sentinel

George Schadt
Council 12017

The Faithful Inner and Outer Sentinels shall be responsible to see that all in attendance at meetings are in possession of appropriate valid Third and Fourth Degree membership cards and shall perform such other duties as directed by the Faithful Pilot.

Trustee 1 Year

Michael Breit
Council 12017

Trustee 2 Year

Caleb Strittmatter
Council 12017

Trustee 1 Year

George Plarre
Council 1074