Slate of Officers for Fraternal Year 2023-2024

Position Candidate
Faithful Navigator SK Frank Bio
Faithful Friar SK Rev. Greg Spencer
Faithful Captain SK Larry Greer
Faithful Pilot OPEN Candidate Greg Peters
Faithful Comptroller SK Greg Decker
Faithful Admiral SK Frank Weisgerber
Faithful Purser SK Robert Philips
Faithful Scribe OPEN Candidate Tom Sullivan
Faithful Inner Sentinel SK Joseph Damitz
Faithful Outer Sentinel SK George Schadt
Faithful 1 Year Trustee SK Dennis Kelleher
Faithful 2 Year Trustee SK George Plarre
Faithful 3 Year Trustee SK Caleb Strittmatter

The above names have been elected for the upcoming fraternal year. Two positions, Pilot and Scribe, are open with an identified candidate. If you have an interest in either position, make your desire known to the Faithful Navigator immediately. The election of the two remaining positions will occur on June 21.