Meeting Minutes for February 20, 2024

Opening Ceremony

  • Faithful Navigator Frank Bio opened the meeting at 7:00pm in the Council 1074 Chambers at the Basilica of Saint Mary, 412 Ann Street, Wilmington, NC. There were 23 Sir Knights with ID cards and rosaries in attendance.

Call of Officers

Office Holder P/E/A
Faithful Navigator SK Frank Bio Present
Faithful Friar Rev SK Greg Spencer Excused
Captain SK Larry Greer Present
Pilot SK Greg Peters Present
Comptroller SK Greg Decker Present
Admiral SK Frank Weisgerber Present
Purser SK Bobby Philips Present
Scribe SK Tom Sullivan Excused
Corps Commander SK Bob Gorman Present
Inner Sentinel SK Joe Damitz Present
Outer Sentinel SK George Schadt Present
1st Year Trustee SK Dennis Kelleher Excused
2nd Year Trustee SK George Plarre Excused
3rd Year Trustee SK Caleb Strittmatter Excused

Opening Prayer

  • Meeting’s opening prayer was led by the acting Faithful Friar, Deacon George Keenan.

Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag

Opening Ode

  • The Opening Ode, America the Beautiful, was sung.

Call for the Approval of the Minutes of the Prior Meeting

  • A call was made for changes or amendments to the January meeting minutes. No changes or amendments were offered and a motion was made to accept the minutes as recorded on the Assembly website; the motion was seconded and passed by unanimous vote.

Report of the Faithful Friar

  • No report.

Report of the Faithful Comptroller – SK Greg Decker

  • The Faithful Comptroller provided the following report:
    1. The Assembly has 159 members which includes one transfer in: Matthew Hurteau.
    2. Bills for dues were sent totaling $3742 of which $3230 have been paid. The remaining names have been turned over to the Faithful Navigator for action.
  • The financials reported can be requested by contacting the Comptroller.

Report of the Faithful Purser - SK Bob Philips

  • The financials reported can be requested by contacting the Purser.

Report of Committees

Membership Report/ Reading of Applications/ Balloting

  • No new applicants but two transfers in process: Donald DeSanto of 1074 and Frank D’Amato of 12017.
  • The next 4th Degree Exemplification will be in Winston-Salem. More information will follow.

RSVP Report

  • No report.

Color Guard Report

  • No report.

Patriotic Reports

Veterans Support - SK Tim Ludgate

  • Wreaths Across America - Captain Larry Greer reported that the program has benefit the assembly by $300 this fraternal year. With the ability to purchase ahead we have 38 wreaths “to the good.”
  • The next meal at the Ashley House Veterans Home is Saturday, March 3 beginning at 3pm with dinner around 5:00-5:30pm.
  • The next Honor Flight will be Saturday, April 20, and we’re encouraged to be part of the Welcome Home. To make it even more special to our assembly, SK Charlie Backes will be one of the honored veterans on the flight. More information will come closer to the event.
  • There was some discussion regarding helping out with the cost should a brother sir knight become a Guardian.
  • SK John Bolger reported that his team delivered 25 shoeboxes of toiletries and essentials to the residents of the Ashley House. Also, three bicycles were donated so the residents would have some ready transportation.

Scholarship for Future Saints - SK Caleb Strittmatter

  • No report of the financials was given though Fr. McGee has promoted the scholarship program to the deanery parishes.
  • The first two names were drawn of the scholarship raffle. They were Mike Kane of 12885 and James Jasina of 11817. Each received a check for $50.
  • To have your names added to the raffle for the four remaining drawings, contact the Comptroller.

Honor Guard - SK Bob Gorman

  • On February 6, a six man honor guard was employed for the Saint Joseph Icon program as Saint Mark. SK and GK Newman was very appreciative of the hard work put into the honor guard.
  • The CC also provided basic instruction to the six men and did a walk-through of the ceremony.
  • SK Gorman was prepared to do honor guard training prior to the Assembly meeting but no one came prepared.
  • The next scheduled event is at the Raleigh Diocese March for Life on May 18. More information to follow.

Fraternal Social Report - SK Weisgerber

  • Beginning to plan a dinner with wives to be held at the Wilmington Brewery in May or June.
  • The Faithful Navigator thanked SK Weisgerber for arranging to have the pizza for the social following the meeting.

Trustees Report

  • No report.

Unfinished/Old Business

  • The Wilmington March for Life was held on February 17. Comments were that it was well done and had four good speakers.
  • The Faithful Navigator asked for any suggestions or additions to the Planning Document as well as nominations for guest speakers at future Assembly meetings.

New Business

  • A Nominating Committee was formed and assigned to the Trustees to report back in March with a potential slate of officers. Anyone interested in an office, either as the officeholder or to learn-the-ropes, should make themselves known to the Trustees or to the Faithful Navigator before or at the March meeting.

Report of Third Degree Councils

  • 1074 Wilmington

    • On March 13 at 7pm the council will begin a Religious Review class.
  • 11817 St. Stanislaus

    • The Saint Joseph Icon event was discussed.
    • A luncheon following the Wilmington March for Life was held at Saint Stanislaus.
    • A Fish Fry will be help on Friday, March 24.
  • 12017 St. Mark

    • On February 17, participated in the Wilmington March for Life at Long Leaf Park.
    • On the same day, we took part in the Special Olympics Polar Plunge - 5 Brave Knights made the plunge.
    • On February 23 we sponsored a Lenten Fish Fry before the Stations of the Cross. The cost was $10 per person; proceeds were for LAMB.
    • Will be manning Aid Station for Wilmington Marathon on February 24.
    • March 2 is Knights Movie Night featuring "A Man for all Seasons". Free Admission, 7:30-9:30PM.
    • March 16 St. Patrick's Day Dinner Dance, get tickets on website, or email for more information.
      • SK John Clyatt, 12017’s COR Chairman, invited all to join the “Men of the Word” Bible study beginning March 7 at 7pm. All are welcome.
  • 12885 St. Therese

    • February was our first meeting of the year due to weather and then COVID canceled our January meeting.
    • Discussed, then voted on final distribution of the previously appropriated funds.
    • Voted to request NCDOT change the sign designating our portion of the Highway Cleanup as the "Tom Rice KofC Highway Clean-up” in recognition/honor of SK Rice.
    • March 8 is our Soup Dinner following Stations of the Cross.
    • Easter Basket ticket sales start in March with the winner will be drawn on Palm Sunday.
    • Discussion on when to have our Blood Drive.
    • Beginning April 7 the council will be providing monthly "after Mass refreshments." They will start with the Sunday 8AM Mass.

Brothers in Need

  • Prayers requested for SK Tom Rice who is in home hospice; brother knight Phil DePhilips, brother-in-law of SK Decker, in hospital with advanced Alzheimer’s; Bishop Herbert Bevard.

Good of the Order

  • SK John Clyatt invited all to join the COR program led by 12017 at Saint Mark.

Closing Prayer

  • Conducted by Deacon George Keenan.


  • Next gathering will be at 7pm on Tuesday, March 19, at Saint Mark in the Parish Hall.
  • Meeting adjourned at 7:50pm.

Minutes submitted by SK Marco Vialpando, acting Faithful Scribe.